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MVP vs Prototype vs PoC: What to Pick

MVP vs Prototype vs PoC: What to Pick

Volodymyr Haievyi

Volodymyr Haievyi

Chief Operating Officer

Updated: October 09, 2024 | Published: October 09, 2024
MVP vs Prototype vs PoC: What to Pick

Startups looking to test their ideas often struggle to choose the right direction. What is the best idea – build an MVP, a prototype, or a PoC? 

These terms often create some confusion, but each has its specific purpose. For example:

  • MVP – the most basic version of a product that provides value to customers;
  • Prototype – a working model with the purpose of testing the design and functionality of a future solution;
  • PoC – a model that evaluates the technical feasibility of a business idea.

Let’s dive into the MVP vs prototype vs PoC debate. This article explains the differences between these terms to help you determine the best approach based on your goals and resources. 

Understanding the Concepts

MVP vs proof of concept vs prototype – these things can be confusing but have similarities and differences. Let’s take a look at what they are.

What is a Prototype?

A prototype is an early model that helps businesses test ideas and concepts before committing to full-scale development. It represents the potential solution’s design and functionality, and allows teams to better understand where to move with an idea during the development.

Startups deciding between prototyping vs MVP or PoC need to understand the purpose of creating a prototype:

  • Visualize ideas – a prototype serves as a way to bring an abstract idea into something tangible, allowing a better understanding of the concept;
  • Gather feedback – startups can share prototypes with stakeholders and shareholders to collect feedback and evaluate an idea;
  • Spot design flaws – prototypes assist teams with identifying flaws in usability, design, and user experience and addressing them accordingly.

Software development practices outline two major types of prototypes:

  • Low-fidelity prototypes – basic models that include sketches, paper prototypes, and wireframes to outline and explain broad concepts;
  • High-fidelity prototypes – more advanced models such as interactive digital prototypes.

All-in-all, startups should consider using prototypes during the early stages of product development. They are best suited for exploring various design ideas and iterating potential versions of future products.

What is a PoC?

Proof of concept (PoC) is a small-scale exercise that tests the feasibility of an idea. It helps startups determine whether a product concept is technically viable before moving on to full-scale development efforts.

PoC has a number of purposes. Here are the main ones:

  • Verify the potential – companies use PoCs to confirm that ideas, technologies, or processes have actual real-world applications;
  • Demonstrate feasibility – teams can utilize a PoC to prove that an idea can work in practice to stakeholders and shareholders;
  • Identify tech/logical issues – it is possible to identify potential challenges in terms of implementing a solution or integrating it with an existing system.

With this information, you can better understand the difference between proof of concept vs MVP and prototype.

What is an MVP?

A minimum viable product (MVP) is the most basic version of a solution; however, it provides users with the core functionalities. What makes an MVP unique is that it lets development teams test the product’s value and market fit in natural conditions while allocating minimal resources.

Creating an MVP has several advantages and purposes:

  • Test the market – identify whether the core offering of your product matches the real market demand;
  • Gather feedback – refine a product based on actual user feedback;
  • Generate revenue – create friction and start building a user base by gaining users and generating revenue.

Teams should use an MVP if a company is ready to test its idea of a core value proposition in the market. This way, assumptions can be validated, market theories tested, and the ground probed before heavily investing in development.

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Key Differences Between MVP, Prototype, and PoC

With the above information in mind, it is possible to distinguish between MVP vs proof of concept vs prototype properly. While they share some common features, their ultimate goals are different. 


The main goal of a prototype is to visualize and test specific aspects of a product, such as design or user interactions. This means that a prototype is highly useful in helping teams identify potential problems and gather feedback before full development.

Startups and businesses use proof of concept to verify the technical feasibility of a business idea. A PoC also identifies whether a concept is applicable in real life.

MVPs allow companies to create functional products with core features. They are used to test market demand and acquire user feedback. Businesses utilize MVPs to probe the feasibility of potential market propositions and gather communities of early adopters.

Level of Development

The actual development differs significantly between MVP vs prototype vs proof of concept, depending on the company’s specific objectives.

Prototypes range from basic low-fidelity representations such as sketches to advanced high-fidelity models. The latter resemble final functional products in appearance but remain non-functional, a crucial detail to remember. They visualize user flows and allow teams to gather feedback.

PoCs are often parts of concept implementation that test the feasibility of a potential product. They test technical components and ideas to determine whether a proposed solution works in real-life conditions. 

MVPs are functional products with essential features assigned to validate the value proposition. Our team specializes in creating high-quality MVPs faster than competitors due to the DBBS Pre-Built Solutions, a repository of configured tools and components that allows us to shorten the development time by up to 50%.

Target Audience

The MVP vs prototype vs PoC difference is easily seen through the target audience of each element.

  • Prototype – is usually used by internal teams and stakeholders to understand and visualize the concept of a product. Companies can also use prototypes to involve potential users in collecting their feedback;
  • PoC – is often used by development teams and other stakeholders to demonstrate project feasibility to potential investors, as well as prove that the future solution will work as intended;
  • MVP – is used to target early adopters and users within specific market segments. Companies use the feedback gathered from the target audience to refine the product and prepare it for future launch.

Time and Resources Required

There are significant differences in terms of time and resources required to realize a proof of concept vs MVP vs prototype. 

  • Prototype – the development time can be just several hours for low-fidelity prototypes and several weeks for high-fidelity prototypes. The resources required depend on the complexity of the prototype in question;
  • PoC – the development time usually ranges from several weeks to a few months, as a team tests the feasibility of technical aspects of a potential solution and focuses on proving that the concept actually works;
  • MVP – a typical timeframe is usually 3 to 6 months. However, DBB Software experts can reduce it by up to 50% using DBBS Pre-Built Solutions, including pre-configured tools, environments, and elements.

When to Choose MVP, Prototype, or PoC?

Prototyping vs MVP vs PoC – when to use each approach? This section highlights the best use cases for prototypes, proofs of concept, and MVPs to help you understand when and why you may require each approach.

Going for a Prototype

A prototype is an excellent tool for establishing the core idea of your product. Startups can gain many benefits from developing a prototype.

When to Use

Prototypes are most suitable for the early stages of brainstorming. A team can use a prototype to test UI and UX designs to ensure they align with the core product idea. Startups should consider using prototypes when presenting their ideas to stakeholders and investors to gather feedback.


Prototyping enables rapid iteration, which allows teams to explore various design options and quickly gather feedback. This is a highly cost-effective way of visualizing ideas, thus minimizing risks before fully committing to full-scale development.

Choosing a Proof of Concept

Teams use PoCs to assess the technical feasibility of their ideas and technologies. The core function of a PoC is to verify if a concept can work as intended before investing in a business idea.

When to Use

PoCs are excellent if a team wants to assess whether an idea is worth pursuing, especially if there are uncertainties in its implementation. You can use them to evaluate potential risks and test business ideas before proceeding with a full-scale development.


The best use for a PoC is to assess the feasibility of an idea. Startups and teams use PoCs when there are uncertainties about implementing a project, as they can evaluate potential risks and challenges that can appear during development. 

Choosing an MVP

An MVP is best for teams ready to introduce their products to the market. Because an MVP has its core functionality, a solution can be pushed to market for a limited audience to gather feedback and make informed decisions.

When to Use

MVPs are ideal if a company establishes and develops the core concept into a product. Even if it's just bare bones, the solution can begin generating revenue for future iterations. Furthermore, rolling out an MVP gives access to feedback from early adopters.


By focusing on an MVP, a company can rapidly enter a target market and validate its business idea. Because development teams put their efforts into core features, they can streamline the process and reduce time and costs. 

It is possible to save even more time and money. Our team uses DBBS Pre-Built Solutions for this purpose and speeds up the development process by up to 50% via:

  • Web, mobile, serverless, and server-based app generators;
  • Ready-made cloud hosting settings;
  • Built-in testing tools such as Cypress, Playwright, and Detox;
  • Code quality solutions;
  • Integratable CMS, CRM, authentication, and payment systems;
  • Reusable UI components.

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Making the Right Choice

Making the right choice between MVP vs prototype vs proof of concept requires a clear understanding of your project’s current state, stage, and goals. 

Assessing Your Project Needs

To reach this understanding, you need to ask yourself proper questions. What is the primary goal of the project? A prototype is your best choice if you need to test design ideas. A proof of concept is a better fit for validating the technical aspects of your project. Finally, an MVP is the right option to test market demand and gather feedback from real users.

Users’ Perspective

The next question should concern your knowledge of users’ needs and preferences. With limited insights, a simple prototype is a valid option, while an MVP can gather high-quality data from users.


Consider also evaluating what functionality you require. A prototype is enough to test your technical ideas, but an MVP is a functional product that yields more concrete results and evidence.

Time to Market

Finally, consider your timeline for getting to market. In the battle between PoC vs prototype vs MVP, the first two options are much faster to develop, but the latter starts generating revenue after launch.

Evaluating Resources and Constraints

When deciding between MVP vs proof of concept and prototype, you must evaluate your resources and constraints to figure out how to move forward. Depending on these factors, your choice will change. Let’s take a closer look.


How much can you afford? Prototypes and PoCs are less expensive and require fewer resources. An MVP needs more investments but generates revenue and opens opportunities for future growth.


Do you need results quickly? A PoC gives early insights with really low development costs. However, when discussing MVP vs prototype, both require more time to develop but yield more concrete results.

Team Capabilities

Knowing your team's strength is imperative. If you have a team of professionals with the necessary skills and expertise, you can develop a PoC, prototype, and even an MVP. For example, a PoC requires technical expertise, while a prototype also needs UI/UX skills. An MVP requires a broad combination of skills!

Technical Complexity

This one is quite easy. The more complex your requirements are, the more resources you need. Whether it is a PoC or you’re thinking between prototype vs MVP, you need to properly assess the complexity of your tasks and align resources accordingly. 

Aligning with Business Goals

You can properly decide between MVP vs proof of concept vs prototype specifying your business goals. Each approach has its specific objectives, and you should align them accordingly.

Business Objectives

For example, if your goal is to validate a technical solution, a PoC is a perfect choice. Is your focus UI and UX? A well-developed prototype is your optimal solution. Do you need to test market demand and generate revenue? An MVP is the answer.

Long-Term Goals

To make a proper choice between prototype vs MVP vs PoC, you need to align your long-term decisions with business goals. Therefore, each approach should have its objectives mapped to drive your idea. A well-developed MVP can be a foundation for long-term investments and iterations, while the other two are about learning and gathering information.

Potential ROI

Try evaluating the potential ROI for each option. For example, PoCs and prototypes have lower initial costs. However, MVPs provide the conditions to start generating revenue and returns, thus accelerating your path to market.

Support Your Competitive Strategy

An MVP offers an opportunity to quickly establish a niche and gain a competitive advantage, while a prototype or PoC can help you secure funding. Everything depends on your unique circumstances!


The choice between prototyping vs MVP vs proof of concept depends largely on your project’s stage, goals, and resources. These approaches serve their distinct purposes:

  • Prototypes are suitable for visualizing ideas and testing concepts;
  • PoCs help teams verify the technical feasibility of an idea;
  • MVPs provide opportunities to test market demand with functional products.

Suppose a startup aligns its business objectives, timeline, budget, and team experience. In that case, it can make an informed decision about what choice to make, whether proof of concept vs MVP or a prototype. Ultimately, everything boils down to minimizing risks and ensuring the project’s long-term success.

Contact us to learn which approach suits your case and we can start working on bringing your business idea to life.


How do I know which approach is right for my current project stage?

To understand when to choose between proof of concept vs MVP vs PoC, it is better take a look at during which project stages each approach is applicable:

  • A prototype is perfect for the earliest stages of a project, when a team requires to brainstorm the initial design and gather information about the UI/UX from stakeholders;
  • A PoC is also a great option for early stages of a project, but it serves a purpose of validating technical ideas;
  • An MVP is the best option on every other stage, as it allows you to gather real user feedback, generate revenue, and develop core features for your product.

Absolutely. This is not a prototyping vs MVP vs PoC situation. It is a common practice to transition from one approach to a different one depending on your project requirements as they evolve. You can start a project with a PoC, refine the technical idea, move to a prototype to cover the design, and develop an MVP to test the market.
There is no need to make an exclusive choice as each approach can build on the previous one. The main goal is to remain flexible!

For a PoC, the key metric is whether the technology works. The success of a prototype should depend on the feedback regarding design choices. In the case of an MVP, the most important success metrics include:

  • User adoption;
  • Retention rate;
  • Feedback quality.

The main risk for a prototype arises if a team focuses too much on design without validating its technical viability. As for a PoC, the major risk is validating technical feasibility without considering whether there is a market demand for a solution. With an MVP, the most important risk is launching a product without enough user feedback.

Table of contents

Understanding the Concepts

Key Differences Between MVP, Prototype, and PoC

When to Choose MVP, Prototype, or PoC?

Making the Right Choice



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