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Guide: How to Build a Minimum Viable Product in 2024

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Guide: How to Build a Minimum Viable Product in 2024

Volodymyr Haievyi

Volodymyr Haievyi

Chief Operating Officer

Updated: July 19, 2024 | Published: May 22, 2024
Guide: How to Build a Minimum Viable Product in 2024

The IT industry becomes more competitive each year, as 20% of startups fail because they are outcompeted simply due to being slow. A major reason behind this statistic is a lack of a systematic approach to the creation of a Minimum Viable Product. MVP development requires speed and efficiency so a business can keep innovating and staying competitive.
In this article, we'll explore the most effective approaches to building an MVP in 2024, covering the latest trends, strategies, and best practices. MVP creation may be challenging, but our team at DBB Software understands these problems and uses its expertise to help startups build MVPs quickly and efficiently to stay ahead of the competition.

What is a Minimum Viable Product

A Minimum Viable Product is the most basic version of a product with core features to satisfy early users that a startup can release to the market.
MVP is a crucial starting point for startups that allows them to validate ideas efficiently. It allows companies to prioritize essential features and minimize resource allocation, test hypotheses, gather user feedback, and make informed decisions for future iterations of their products.

Want to Accelerate Your MVP testing efficiency and launch?

Book a call with Mina to find out how DBB Software and our unique platform can improve your approach to MVP testing and accelerate its development by 50%.

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The Importance of a Minimum Viable Product

An MVP mitigates risks associated with prematurely launching a full-scale product. It enables businesses to validate assumptions, engage users, and tailor products to market needs. Through iterative development, startups gain insights into user preferences and pain points, ensuring the creation of successful and market-driven products.
Find out more about innovation and the use of a unique DBSS Platform product development for more insights into MVP and emerging technologies.

Critical Components of a Minimum Viable Product

An MVP requires you to identify core components required by your target audience and incorporate them into the product to form its backbone functionality.
These components should directly address the primary pain points of your target audience while showcasing your solution's unique value proposition. Here are some key elements that set an MVP up to succeed:


Conceptual elements of mvp


  • Identify core features – determine the features that are absolutely essential for your MVP. These features should solve the core problems your target users are facing;
  • Focus on user needs – prioritize components that directly address the primary pain points of your target audience. Understanding user needs is crucial for building a product that resonates with your market;
  • Demonstrate unique value proposition – your MVP should demonstrate what differentiates your product. Highlight the unique benefits and value that your solution brings to users.

By focusing on these core features, you can ensure faster delivery of a functional product. This approach offers the benefit of collecting early user feedback and creating iterative improvements driven by market demand. This streamlined approach minimizes development costs and time and maximizes the likelihood of market success.

Steps to Building a Minimum Viable Product

Now that we understand the importance of an MVP, let's break down the essential steps to build one:

Steps mvp

1. Identifying the Core Problem

Start by getting to know your audience. Think about what pain points your product can solve for your users. This way, you will be able to define the primary objective of your product. You should also establish the scope of MVP and identify its core functionalities.
DBBS specialists can assist you in the product discovery phase to ensure that you properly interpret users’ needs and set the right direction for your future product.

2. Conducting Marketing Research

Conduct interviews, research, and examine your competitors' strategies. This data is essential for getting a clear picture of the competitive landscape. Gather insights from potential consumers – surveys, interviews, and focus groups work well. All the information can be used to validate your assumptions and hypotheses for the MVP.


3. Defining the Features and Creating a Prototype & UI

Based on the scope and market research, you can set priorities for functions to be included in an MVP. The key is to focus on features that will provide the most value to the target audience. This information can be used to create a prototype and UI as a foundation for the next steps.
You can develop a working prototype faster with the DBBS platform. Use readily available and fine-tuned tools to streamline workflows and allocate resources to priority tasks. 


4. Building, Testing, and Launching MVP

With a working prototype in your hands, you can fully commit to creating an MVP. Choose the right tools and technology to ensure your product’s scalability. Remember to rigorously test the solution to ensure a smooth user experience.
With the DBBS platform, transformation of a prototype into an MVP is 50% faster. Automate development and testing tasks to take full advantage of pre-made templates. Use A/B, usability, and beta testing tools for maximum development speed and launch your product.


5. Collecting Feedback, Iterating, and Moving Forward

After launching the product, listen to user feedback and continually improve the solution. You want to roll out iterations frequently to deal with any issues and maintain a positive image in the eyes of users. During this time, it is important to continue developing your MVP, adding new features, and transforming it into a fully-operational product. 
The DBBS platform is equipped with monitoring and analytics processing tools for maximum convenience. We also offer expert-level operations and support services to ensure continuous support for your product’s testing, quality assurance, and development needs. 

Want to Accelerate Your MVP testing efficiency and launch?

Book a call with Mina to find out how DBB Software and our unique platform can improve your approach to MVP testing and accelerate its development by 50%.

Mina portrait

The Importance of Technology in MVP Development

In today's fast-paced digital landscape, technology is pivotal in developing MVPs. Choosing the right technology stack can significantly impact an MVP's success, streamlining development processes and optimizing user experience. 
DBB Software team is proficient with various technologies. Depending on the project’s objectives and requirements, our specialists use the following technologies:

Mobile Development


  • React Native – an open-source framework developed by Facebook for building natively-rendered apps using React and JavaScript;
  • Flutter – an open-source software toolkit developed by Google, which can be used to build apps from a single codebase using Dart programming language;
  • Swift – a programming language developed by Apple for building apps based on iOS and macOS;
  • Kotlin – an open-source, cross-platform, programming language for creating mostly Android applications.




  • React.js – a highly popular JavaScript library with component-based architecture for building user interfaces;
  • Vue.js – a versatile JavaScript framework for building interactive user interfaces;
  • Angular – a Google-maintained TypeScript-based framework for building complex and scalable web applications;
  • Next – a React framework for server-side rendering and static site generation, perfect for better performance and SEO for React-based applications;
  • ASP.NET – a cross-platform and highly versatile framework for different types of applications.




  • Node.js – a JavaScript runtime based on Chrome’s V8 engine that allows us to run JavaScript on server-side;
  • Nest – a Node.js framework for developing efficient and scalable server-side applications;
  • Python – a highly popular programming language perfect for web development, data analysis, machine learning, etc.;
  • Golang – a statically-typed language that is suitable for building robust and high-performance systems;
  • .NET – a software framework for web, mobile, and cloud-based applications.

Cloud Environments


  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) – a comprehensive cloud platform that provides a large number of services for computing, storage, databases, analytics, machine learning, etc. DBB Software is also a certified AWS partner;
  • Microsoft Azure – a cloud computing platform and infrastructure that offers different tools and services for building, deploying, and managing applications;
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP) – cloud computing services for computing, storage, networking, big data, machine learning, and cloud operations solutions.


Content Management Systems


  • Strapi – an open-source CMS that is suitable for building and managing API-driven projects;
  • Contentful – an API-first cloud-based CMS for creating and distributing content across multiple platforms;
  • Uniform – a CMS equipped with a user-friendly interface and integrated with different front-end frameworks for simple content management;
  • Sitecore – a CMS with high degree of personalization, e-commerce capabilities, and advanced content management features;
  • Sitefinity – a .NET-based CMS platform that allows organizations to create, manage, and deliver multi-channel experiences easily.


AI/ML Direction


  • Computer Vision – this direction enables applications to process digital images and videos and derive meaningful information from them;
  • AI Recommendations – AI-powered engines that suggest products, services, and information based on the analysis of user data;
  • AI Search – advanced AI search engine direction focused on delivering relevant results based on user queries;
  • Large Language Models (LLMs) – advanced language models that are trained using large amounts of data to generate human-like text and perform different tasks.
Learn About Innovation with DBSS Platform
Discover insights into MVP development and emerging technologies using our unique DBSS Platform.

Launching Your MVP in the Market

MVP launch is more than just a step in your product development journey; it's your opportunity to make a strong first impression and set the foundation for future growth. 
This event requires careful planning and flawless execution to create a lasting impact. A successful MVP launch introduces your product effectively, sparking interest and paving the way for ongoing innovation.


Strategies for a Successful Launch


Build your marketing and launch strategy:

Develop a comprehensive strategy using the right digital marketing channels to reach your audience effectively. Create compelling content that highlights why your MVP is needed.


Create engagement and buzz:

Engage with potential users on social media to build anticipation and stimulate conversation. Convert this buzz into user and brand loyalty.


Leverage strategic partnerships:

Use influencer and industry expert partnerships to broaden your reach and enhance your MVP’s credibility, setting the foundation for the product’s appeal to new audiences.


Monitor, learn, and adapt:

Keep an eye on key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of your launch. Stay flexible and use real-time feedback to optimize and refine your approach.


Post-Launch Considerations


Track user engagement metrics:

  • Monitor metrics such as active users, retention rates, and conversion rates to evaluate your MVP's impact;
  • Collect feedback from early adopters to gain valuable insights into their experiences.;
  • Continuously optimize and refine the MVP to keep user engagement high;
  • Analyze user behavior to find patterns and opportunities for improvement;
  • Identify friction points in the user experience and prioritize enhancements based on user feedback and data-driven insights.


By adopting these human-centered strategies and focusing on continuous improvement, you ensure that your MVP meets and exceeds the expectations of your target market, laying a strong foundation for your product’s success and evolution.

"Revisiting the consent button is crucial for improving user experience and ensuring compliance. This small change boosts trust and smooths out the onboarding process in our MVP development." 

Dmytro Hruzyn, Tech Lead at DBBS 

Future Trends in MVP Development

MVP development continues to evolve and is driven by advancements in technology and changes in market trends.
Here are a few trends that we predict will shape the MVP landscape in the coming years:

  • AI integration – AI and ML are transforming the development scene. These technologies are used for advanced analysis of large data sets. They also automate tasks such as data entry and testing to quicken development cycles. We expect AI and ML to become an integral part of the development process in just a few years.
  • Tailored experiences – with advanced data processing capabilities available now, future MVPs will provide unprecedented personalized user experiences. Even today, companies are using new technologies to analyze user trends, consumer behavior, and competitor data. This information is imperative for designing unique and user-centric solutions.
  • Rapid development – tools and technologies for rapid app deployment are becoming increasingly popular. They reduce workloads while streamlining development cycles, leading to faster time-to-market, lower development costs, and better adaptability. Our DBBS platform is a perfect example of a solution for rapid development.
  • Security with blockchain – with the rise of blockchain technology, we expect smart contracts, distributed data storage, and secure transaction processing to become key components and value propositions of MVPs. This technology will prove especially important for directions such as finance, healthcare, and supply chain management. 

How can DBBS Assist You With MVP Development 

Building an MVP in 2024 requires the right mix of strategy and resources. However, DBB Software specialists possess the required expertise to bring your ideas to reality. By partnering with us, you gain access to a full cycle developer team that can develop your MVP 50% faster using our unique DBBS platform. 

The DBBS platform serves as a foundation of a robust monorepo approach for rapid application development. Here are some of its features:

  • CLI and configuration files allow developers to easily assign modules to applications and adjust functionalities to meet client needs;
  • Predefined configurations and modules considerably reduce setup times and workloads to optimize workflows and start coding immediately;
  • Predefined and tested elements of the platform ensure consistent output quality across projects.


Interested in finding out more about the DBSS platform? Book a call with us for a free demonstration.

Accelerate Your MVP Development by 50%
With years of experience in MVP development, we will help you create and implement an MVP that fits your business needs perfectly.


What does MVP stand for?

MVP stands for Minimum Viable Product – the most basic version of a product with core features that can be released to the market. The goal of an MVP is to deploy the product in the shortest time, set its market niche, gather feedback, and provide developers with information for future improvements.

Building an MVP offers several benefits:

  • Improved time-to-market speed in comparison to a complete product;
  • Valuable insights and feedback from early users to improve risk management and test hypotheses;
  • Development of a user base through early adopters of an MVP.

DBBS team has expertise in a wide range of technologies required for software development. If you have specific requirements regarding the technology stack for your MVP, let us know. We can also make recommendations for the most appropriate technologies for your solution.

DBBS team offers its expertise and unique platform for maximum MVP development efficiency and speed. This platform provides you with ready-to-use tools and frameworks tailored for consistency, quality, scalability, and feature expansion. You can expect up to 50% faster development of your MVP by streamlining your processes using our services.

Table of contents

What is a Minimum Viable Product

The Importance of a Minimum Viable Product

Critical Components of a Minimum Viable Product

Steps to Building a Minimum Viable Product

The Importance of Technology in MVP Development

Launching Your MVP in the Market

Future Trends in MVP Development

How can DBBS Assist You With MVP Development 


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