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Developing Healthcare Mobile App: Regulatory and Technical Issues

Developing Healthcare Mobile App: Regulatory and Technical Issues


28 Mar. 2023

As healthcare becomes more and more digital, mobile apps have become very important in the field. Mobile apps have revolutionized the way healthcare services are delivered, making it easier for patients to access health services and improving communication between patients and healthcare providers. It is critical to create mobile apps to meet the changing needs of the industry. When developing a new app, you must be aware of the technological and legal challenges that may affect your project.

This is especially true when making medical software, which can have a lot of problems with security and rules. If you are not prepared for these possible stumbling blocks, your app development process may be halted.

That is why, early in the process, it is critical to investigate the legal framework and speak with an attorney and a technological specialist. Planning in detail might help you figure out what problems might come up and how to solve them so you can stay on schedule and get your app out on the market.

This article will go over some of the most important technological and legal problems to consider when creating a healthcare mobile app.

Compliance with Regulations for the Development

There are rules about how to make a mobile app for health care, such as the HIPAA and FDA rules. We are going to consider US regulations. Healthcare apps must comply with strict regulatory requirements to ensure patient safety and privacy. Regulations vary depending on the country and region in which the app is being developed and used. So, it’s important to know about these rules and make sure the app meets all of the requirements.

It is essential to choose a development team that has a deep understanding of these rules and can demonstrate their compliance. They should have a plan in place for ensuring that your app will also be compliant and stay up-to-date with any changes in regulations.

When planning your go-to-market strategy for your mobile healthcare app, it’s essential to know what the federal and state laws say. HIPAA is the most important regulatory statute to examine.

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA, is a law that sets privacy and security standards for protected health information across the country. HIPAA compliance for medical software entails the following:

· Having stringent non-disclosure provisions for patient information

· Implementing robust data security measures at the physical, technological, and administrative levels

· Imposing fines and other penalties for violations of data security regulations

In addition to the laws mentioned above, several other laws have to be followed when it comes to medical solutions. If you’re not sure which rules to follow while designing your mobile application, visit the Federal Trade Commission’s Mobile Health Apps Interactive Tool. Just answer a few questions about your program, and the tool will tell you which legislation to apply.

Technology and Software Assembly

The technical stack is the group of programming languages, software frameworks, and tools that are used to build an application. Choosing the right technical stack can greatly impact the success of the app. It should be selected based on the unique needs of the healthcare business, the app’s functionality, and the expertise of the development team.

Several types of technical stacks can be chosen in mobile application development, including:

Native Apps: Native apps are developed specifically for a particular platform, such as iOS or Android. This type of app is typically faster and more reliable than other types of apps. However, it can be more expensive to develop since it requires separate development for each platform.

Hybrid Apps: The creation of hybrid apps combines native app components with web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This type of app can be less expensive to develop than native apps and can be used across multiple platforms. However, hybrid apps can be slower and less reliable than native apps.

Web Apps: Web apps are developed using web technologies and are accessed through a web browser. This kind of app is usually easier and cheaper to make, and it can be used on any device that can connect to the internet. However, web apps can be slower and less reliable than native or hybrid apps.

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) use services, manifests, and other web-platform features along with progressive enhancement to give users an experience similar to native apps.

Hence, it is important to consider the scalability of the app. As the app grows in size and complexity, the technical stack should be able to support this growth. To protect patient data and meet regulatory requirements, the technical stack should also be safe.

DBB Software Technical Stack for Healthcare Mobile App Development

When choosing the technology stack for your mobile software, you will have to build the IT infrastructure yourself, buy IT equipment, and manage servers. You will also need to work with software and hardware engineers who will keep your IT infrastructure functioning and your app running.

Firstly, you must carefully choose a cloud service provider. We propose Amazon and Google Cloud based on our six years of development expertise at DBB Software. Each of these vendors has a different set of tools for app development, deployment, and maintenance. Before deciding on a supplier, you should look at the features and prices of the instruments you’re interested in. If you do decide to work with Amazon, see our piece on how to save money on AWS services.

To guarantee successful software development, you will need to:

  • For your mobile app, choose frontend and backend development languages
  • Configure data storage and processing tools
  • Purchase or rent servers and install a load balancer
  • Setup performance and monitoring tools
  • Build your API

To make a mobile app that can diagnose diabetic retinopathy, you need a technical stack with different programming languages and frameworks, as well as knowledge of both mobile app development and back-end development.

After doing a comprehensive business analysis, developing a precise product vision, and taking the client’s budget and deadlines into account, this tech stack was picked. For mobile app development, we suggest using a cross-platform development approach. This allows the development team to write code once and use it across multiple platforms, reducing development time and cost. Popular frameworks for cross-platform app development include React Native and Flutter. While cross-platform apps allow developers to write most of their code once and deploy it to both iOS and Android, there are cases where we need to use native modules in Kotlin (for Android) and Swift (for iOS). These cases typically involve functionalities that are platform-specific or include low-level functionality such as Bluetooth, GPS, Camera, accelerometer, etc.

When it comes to programming languages, we used TypeScript, which is widely used in front-end development. This language is simple to learn and has large communities that provide resources and support to developers.

For back-end development, we suggest using a scalable and reliable engine such as Node.js. It runs TypeScript or JavaScript code and can handle large amounts of data and requests, making it ideal for the back end of a mobile app. Go and.NET are two other popular back-end technologies. They allow for quick development and easy integration with databases and front-end technologies.

In the end, you need a full technical stack to make a mobile app that can diagnose diabetic retinopathy. This includes back-end development frameworks that can be used on multiple platforms and cross-platform mobile app development frameworks. With the right tools and expertise, the development team can create a user-friendly and reliable app that helps people prevent vision loss due to diabetes. Before starting to work on a project, DBB Software always follows a strategy of careful planning and preparation. Hence, if you want experienced technical guidance, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Top 7 features of Healthcare Mobile Apps for Diabetes Diagnosing and Treatment

Several features of mobile apps can detect diabetic retinopathy. One of the most important is the ability to take pictures of the retina using a phone’s camera. This feature lets users do retinal scans from the comfort of their own homes, so they don’t have to go to a medical facility as often.

Here are the top 7 features of mobile apps designed to detect diabetic retinopathy:

Retina image capture: These apps allow users to capture images of their retina using the camera of their mobile device. This feature provides a convenient and accessible way for individuals to monitor their eye health from the comfort of their homes.

Image analysis: The app uses advanced algorithms to look at the pictures taken by the user and find any signs of diabetic retinopathy. This analysis is done quickly, allowing users to receive results within minutes.

Retina image comparison: The app can compare images of the retina taken at different times to look for changes that could mean that diabetic retinopathy is getting worse. This feature is especially helpful for people with diabetes since early detection is key to treatment that works.

User-friendly interface: These apps have a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate, with clear instructions for image capture and analysis. This makes it easy for individuals of all ages and technical abilities to use the app.

Integration with healthcare providers: The app is made to work with the electronic health records of healthcare providers, so doctors can look at and analyze the pictures taken by the user. This integration ensures that individuals receive proper medical care and treatment for diabetic retinopathy.

Screening test: Some mobile apps that look for diabetic retinopathy may also have a screening test that asks questions about your medical history and symptoms to figure out how likely you are to get the condition. This feature helps users figure out their risk factors for diabetic retinopathy and take steps to prevent it from happening.

Data management: These apps allow users to manage their retinal images and track their progress over time. Users can store and organize their images within the app, making it easy to compare images and monitor changes over time. Some apps also let you share images with your doctor, which is a convenient way to make sure that your doctor has access to important information about your eye health. Also, these apps may send users reminders and alerts to take retinal images at regular intervals. This helps users stay on top of monitoring their eye health.

Overall, mobile apps that can find diabetic retinopathy have a lot of benefits, and scanning the retina is one of the most important ones. This feature lets users do retinal scans from the comfort of their own homes. This makes it easy for them to keep an eye on their eye health and find diabetic retinopathy early.

Solutions for Customized API Development and Integration

API stands for “Application Programming Interface.” It is a set of methods that let you connect to program services and use them in your software. Developers of APIs establish unique algorithms that determine computer responses to certain activities. They describe available operations and input or output data in the API documentation.

It is possible to develop APIs for both internal and external clients. Modern software solutions work with many different kinds of apps and can handle data streams from many different places. Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) speed up and simplify this process by allowing one side to add third-party services and the other to share them safely.

If you wish to access external resources or permit others to connect to your software, you’ll need to engage API developers who are well-versed in API development tools and know which tech stack to use for a certain project.

REST (Representational State Transfer) and GraphQL are two popular approaches for designing APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) used in web and mobile applications.

REST is a style of architecture that organizes and gives access to resources using HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE) based on rules that have already been set. RESTful APIs are built around the concept of resources, which are identified by URLs. Each resource is accessed and manipulated using standard HTTP methods and status codes.

GraphQL is a query language and runtime for APIs, developed by Facebook. It enables clients to request exactly the data they need and nothing more, using a single endpoint. GraphQL allows clients to define the structure of the response, making it more flexible compared to REST.

If you wish to establish a bespoke API so that other solutions may connect to your services, the decision between GraphQL and REST will depend on a variety of criteria. For instance, while REST is a widely adopted and mature approach, GraphQL offers greater flexibility and efficiency in handling data, especially for complex and evolving applications.

Cloud API integration is also included in custom API solutions. Similar to other application interfaces, these APIs enable you to connect to a cloud provider such as Amazon and use its services to build, launch, and maintain your product.


Creating a mobile app for healthcare has its own set of challenges, such as making sure the app is legal, choosing the right technology stack, and making sure API integration goes smoothly. Thorough planning and consultation with legal and technical experts are crucial to overcoming these hurdles and creating a successful, user-friendly app.

It’s also important to think about the technical stack used for healthcare mobile app development. There are several types of apps, including native, hybrid, and web apps. Each type of app has its unique advantages and disadvantages, and the choice depends on the needs of the healthcare business and the app’s functionality.

A reliable API makes your service an alluring resource for third-party solutions and aids in consumer growth. A custom API also makes it easy to quickly connect to partner applications or build an enterprise-level software system.

To make a custom API, you must choose the right technology stack, which includes data transfer protocols, authentication and authorization methods, encryption tools, etc. If you want your product to work with third-party services, you must connect it to the third-party API using the right development strategies and API connection mechanisms. For non-technical individuals, this job is rather difficult. So, if you need to design a custom API quickly and well, you should think about outsourcing this process to a team of software developers with a lot of experience and a good reputation.

Consult a technology legal specialist if you are unsure where to begin. You may also contact an expert development company with a track record of successful healthcare projects. If you are seeking such a team, please contact us; we will gladly assist you!

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