DBBS Pre-Built Solutions Update v. 0.1.6


DBBS Pre-Built Solutions

Updated: February 12, 2025 | Published: August 29, 2024

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A new big update update for DBBS Pre-Built Solutions is live! Version 0.1.6 considerably improves the development efficiency and robustness of our solutions. We focused on streamlining workflows, enhancing functionalities, and integrating new modules.

Here are the key changes in version 0.1.6:

  • GitHub Workflow Enhancements: Tests now run faster, responding only to changes in relevant folders and executing in parallel.

  • Branch Naming Convention: Introduced a naming convention for branches. If a branch is not named according to the specified format, a pre-commit hook will notify the developer.

  • New Django Server Application: Added a Django server with an example module. This module serves as a starting point for further development and demonstrates standard Django features such as request handling, routing, and database interaction. The project uses Poetry for dependency management and environment setup.

  • Mobile Apps:

    • Added the ability to run mobile apps in clean mode, ensuring a fresh start without residual data.

  • React Native App:

    • Updated the signing approach to prevent build issues in production mode.

    • Provided a credentials file for Android builds, containing essential information about the keystore file.

    • Implemented prebuild logic, which includes a mandatory command to generate sentry.properties before running the build.

  • Introduced new Mobile Expo App:

    • Added the ability to run local EAS builds with an environment file.

    • Updated the app config to include initial properties for Sentry integration.

    • Implemented prebuild cleaning to remove redundant files before building the Expo app.

  • Web-SPA:

    • Enhanced routing capabilities with the introduction of TanStack Router, offering more flexible and powerful navigation options for Single Page Applications.

  • Web Features:

    • Implemented the SentryProvider component, which monitors and captures errors, performance issues, and other anomalies in real-time. It helps you quickly identify and resolve problems by providing detailed insights into the root causes of issues.

    • The ErrorBoundary component designed to catch JavaScript errors in its child component tree, log those errors, and display a fallback UI instead of crashing the entire application.

  • Web Storages:

    • A new web storage solution jotal-storage added to streamline data management.

    • Another addition to our web storage offerings, rtk-storage, enhances state management capabilities.

  • MUI Components: Added Storybook with a basic set of stories.

  • Mobile Components:

    • All react-native-paper components are wrapped to use from our components package. Needed to store all components in a single place to minify accessibility.

    • Keyboard-avoiding-view implemented based on KeyboardAvoidingView react-native. Components to manage keyboard state on page and how keyboard will affect covered components on each step of lifecycle.

    • Smooth-slide-track implemented. Custom slider component needed for animated scrolling, needed for popular cards gallery section and typical components.

    • Custom tab-view component implemented based on react-native-tab-view. To manage components lifecycle added custom handlers for tab-bar render action and mandatory requests have been identified. Custom tab bar implemented based on custom tab-view component, added animated scrolls and scroll dependency between tabs and tabs content to connect tab scrolling with page scrolling.

    • Component stories added. All components in the storybook have a story to describe how they work.

  • Settings Client Update: The settings client now operates independently of the AWS Lambda package.

  • New NestJS Modules:

    • The Database Module for NestJS offers a robust solution for managing any database connections within your application.

    • The Settings Module for NestJS offers a robust solution for managing tenant-specific settings within your application. It leverages the NestJS ClsModule for context management and the LoggerModule for enhanced logging capabilities.

    • The Stripe Module for NestJS provides a solution for integrating Stripe into your application. The module simplifies managing payments and interacting with the Stripe API. It features dynamic configuration and streamlined integration for smooth and efficient setup for handling payment processing and related tasks.

  • New Strapi Plugins:

    • Added a banner content-type (background, url, description, and title) to strapi-app.

    • Added an API for creating permissions and assigning them to roles.

    • A payment plugin that seamlessly integrates Stripe with Strapi, allowing users to create organizations, subscribe to plans, and manage subscriptions. Admins can create and manage products, plans, and subscriptions.

  • SendGrid Package: Implemented a wrapper around @sendgrid/mail, enabling platform applications to send emails with additional input parameter validation.

  • Download Environment Script Improvements: Refactored the environment upload script, adding error handling for better reliability.

  • Generators Update: Updated existing generators and introduced new ones to streamline application creation.

  • Package Updates: Updated various packages to the latest versions for enhanced performance and security.

Our team is committed to improving Solutions and providing you with everything required to create efficient software products. For more information about the DBBS Pre-Built Solutions, visit our GitHub page.

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Volodymyr Haievyi Avatar

Chief Operating Officer

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