DBBS Pre-Built Solutions Update v. 0.1.5
DBBS Pre-Built Solutions
Updated: February 12, 2025 | Published: July 4, 2024

We are glad to announce a fresh update for the DBBS Pre-Built Solutions! Version 0.1.5 includes a number of quality-of-life improvements to further streamline the development process.
What's New in Version 0.1.5:
Enhanced Testing Capabilities: The inclusion of Detox E2E provides comprehensive end-to-end test coverage, ensuring that all components work flawlessly together from start to finish.
Improved Component Preview: Integration of Storybook allows developers to view and test UI components in isolation, speeding up the design and review processes.
Richer UI Toolkit: Integration of React Native Paper components offers a more versatile and rich UI toolkit for crafting intuitive user experiences.
Expanded Storybook for Tailwind: Additional stories have been added to the Tailwind Storybook, providing more templates and examples for faster CSS customization.
Serverless Application Example: A new example showcasing a serverless CQRS+ES application using the nest-serverless framework has been added.
Strapi Blogs Feature: The new Strapi blogs feature provides developers with a ready-to-use blog system.
AWS SES Package: A new wrapper for the AWS SDK has been added, enhancing email service integration and usability within the platform.
Role Management with Nest-Module Strapi-Roles: This new module allows for the management of roles and permissions in Strapi admin applications, essential for secure and scalable user management.
Strapi-Stripe Payment Integration: The integration of a new Strapi-Stripe payment plugin offers a much easier integration of payment systems within applications.
Permissions Manager Plugin for Strapi: This plugin enhances the management of user roles and permissions, ensuring consistent application across environments.
JWT Authentication Module: The new auth-jwt module integrates JWT authentication functionalities into NestJS applications, supporting secure user authentication.
Custom Health Check Module: A new health check module has been introduced for monitoring application health within NestJS frameworks.
Environment Management Scripts: New scripts for managing environment variables and settings using AWS Secrets Manager and for multi-tenant systems enhance deployment efficiency and security.
Turbo Generators Update: Enhanced turbo generators improve development productivity, allowing faster turnarounds for project completions.
We are committed to continuously improving our Solution and equipping you with all the tools you need to build efficient, scalable, and secure applications. For more information about the DBBS Pre-Built Solutions, visit our Github page!
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